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The books "My Job is a Healer".


The author’s intention for writing this book was not to share his extremely priceless ideas with the whole world. It so happened that three years ago my wife and I went to Kharkov to see my wife’s friend who was not feeling very well. I don't know about you, but I had never seen two women doctors whose conversation could be kept within an hour’s time limit. So that I would quit whining about the time, they gave me a stack of magazines and recommended I do some self-education. The very first magazine in the stack was the Unexplored World where I found an article about the harm of faith healing. The author of the article was quite creative. He blamed the healers for everything from trickery and fraud to their interference with Divine Providence, from brainwashing gullible folks to representing the forces of evil; he criticized them from both scientific and religious points of view. Normally, I am a calm and restrained man, but this time I burst out! I realized that if my emotions did not turn into actions, I just couldn’t live with myself. I could not reach the author, but luckily for me, the magazine’s editorial office was nearby, literally a block away. I realized it was a sign from heaven, and while the women were engaged in their ladies’ and doctors’ conversation, I went straight to the editorial office.

Alexander Ivanovich Voronkov, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, was a big, clever and refined man. He politely got through my emotional outburst, waited until I calmed down, and then treated me to a coffee and a sandwich. He courteously explained that everything stated in the article was solely the author’s point of view, and neither he nor the magazine staff had anything to do with it. He stated that if I had a dissenting opinion and could commit it to paper in a literary language, he would gladly publish it. I couldn’t argue with that and felt I had been trapped. In response to his friendly and polite speech, I exclaimed that I would definitely write about it, but no sooner had the words left my mouth, I realized that I was on the hook.

Once made, a promise must be honored, especially if you are over seventy and you are not used to giving idle promises. My wife was laughing like a child, which was the only consolation amid my worries. Unlike speaking, writing has always turned out somewhat disastrously for me. I was hanging around dejected for the whole week, desperately trying to produce an article. Seeing my suffering and feeling sympathy for me, Eugenia stopped joking and suggested, ‘Do not try to write in a literary style. Just say as you would in a conversation.’ Sometimes the truth is as easy as ABC. I sat down and told the reader about myself, my village, my neighbors, about faith healing and the way it is done, about healers and ways to distinguish a healer from a fraud. I worked with complete abandon and in one day, I wrote an article entitled Intercessor is a Type of Job and sent it to the editorial office. It is hard to imagine the relief I felt when I thought that everything was over. Quite to the contrary, what followed was a series of calls, questions, meetings, and conversations. The answers to those questions resulted in a second article. The whole process began again, but now on a greater scale.

Meeting and getting to know Ina Staryh, the editor-in-chief of Sophia publishing house, was a true blessing. She is a great person and a talented editor. She not only gave us the gift of cordial human interaction and insisted that I write the book, but also turned an old provincial man’s amateurish notes into a literary work, in the process knocking out the last vestiges of my impudence and author’s conceit, for which I’m deeply grateful to her.

At the first seminar in Kharkov there were two bright young women sitting in the second row, looking at me with admiration I did not deserve. Overcoming some embarrassment, I asked them – for the entire audience to hear – what I had done to deserve such honor and whether they saw a halo over my head or wings over my shoulders. One of them stood up and rejoined that she did not see any wings, but she couldn’t help feeling admiration after reading the book. She explained that she had prayed over her hand twice and the eczema that had tormented her for five years disappeared. This was but one of a number of such instances, but this one really brought it home to me just how lucky I was to participate in the complex process of bringing this ancient method back to our people.

Many seminars and workshops were to follow. We conducted them in Kiev, Kharkov, Simferopol and Poltava. Our students actively work, search, experiment, and successfully combine intercession with other forms of medical aid and healing. It is very significant that health care professionals, who possess a healthy dose of skepticism and cannot be persuaded without any verifiable results, are also actively participating in the development of this method. Lidiya Ivanovna Babenko-Linnik, Doctor of Medical Science, a wonderful osteopath from Kiev who managed to combine osteopathy and faith healing to great effect, now successfully teaches this method to her colleagues. Three very effective intercessors Lidiya Dumanskaya, Nataliya Gonchar and Svetlana Mykytenko in Kiev successfully deliver both individual and collective prayer, the latter being the most difficult and effective form of practice in this domain. An entire group of reiki-healers, under the guidance of Anatoliy Nikolaevich Fortun in the city of Voskresensk, successfully practice collective healing, combining reiki and curative prayer. A wonderful tight-knit group of healers is working very effectively in Simferopol. Novice participants who have never thought of faith healing before join this creative process, bringing their life experience and findings. They experiment and move forward, benefiting those around them.

The first book, published two years ago, was sold out within several months. A year ago, a greater number of its copies were published, but they sold out as well. This of course is evidence of the demand for the topics covered rather than the author’s literary skills. Meetings and conversations with readers, seminars and workshops raised a lot of important questions that I could not answer in the book. There were some paragraphs in the book that were hard to understand. There were some inaccuracies that needed correcting and improving. I was faced with a rather difficult task. On one hand, I had to improve the first book and to republish it because it contained a lot of useful information for a person who already started practicing faith healing. But on the other hand, I had to move on, raise new topics, prepare and publish further material. For several months I struggled with the dilemma. Once again, my wife facilitated a solution. Further in the book I will tell you about my clever wife and why I have such admiration for the weaker sex. ‘Get rid of all the chaff in both books and integrate the rest into one book’, was her final verdict and off she went to cook dinner. Ina Staryh, my highly respected editor, was very much on board with this decision. I don’t know how good of a job I’ve done getting rid of the chaff, but I tried my best to make this book useful for both a first-time and a returning reader. Whether those efforts paid off is now up to you to determine.
